Module geosardine.raster
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import itertools
import warnings
from operator import (
from typing import (
import cv2
import numpy as np
import rasterio
from affine import Affine
from rasterio import features
from import CRS
from rasterio.plot import reshape_as_image
from shapely.geometry import mapping, shape
from shapely.ops import unary_union
from geosardine._geosardine import rowcol2xy, xy2rowcol
from geosardine._raster_numba import __nb_raster_calc__, nb_raster_ops
from geosardine._utility import save_raster
def polygonize(
array: np.ndarray,
transform: Affine,
mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
groupby_func: Optional[Callable] = None,
) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
"""Polygonize raster
array : np.ndarray
raster as numpy array
transform : Affine
affine trasformation parameter
mask : Optional[np.ndarray], optional
filter used pixel area, by default None
groupby_func : Optional[Callable], optional
dissolve by function, by default None
List[Dict[str, Any]]
vector as geojson
feats: Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None] = (
{"properties": {"raster_val": value}, "geometry": shape}
for shape, value in features.shapes(array, mask=mask, transform=transform)
if groupby_func is not None:
union_features: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
for _, group in itertools.groupby(
feats, key=lambda x: x["properties"]["raster_val"]
properties, geom = zip(
(feature["properties"], shape(feature["geometry"]))
for feature in group
{"geometry": mapping(unary_union(geom)), "properties": properties[0]}
return union_features
return list(feats)
class Raster(np.ndarray):
Construct Raster from numpy array with spatial information.
Support calculation between different raster
array : numpy array
array of raster
resolution : tuple, list, default None
spatial resolution
x_min : float, defaults to None
left boundary of x-axis coordinate
y_max : float, defaults to None
top boundary of y-axis coordinate
x_max : float, defaults to None
right boundary of x-axis coordinate
y_min : float, defaults to None
bottom boundary of y-axis coordinate
epsg : int, defaults to 4326
EPSG code of reference system
no_data : int or float, default None
no data value
>>> from geosardine import Raster
>>> raster = Raster(np.ones(18, dtype=np.float32).reshape(3, 3, 2), resolution=0.4, x_min=120, y_max=0.7)
>>> print(raster)
[[[1. 1.]
[1. 1.]
[1. 1.]]
[[1. 1.]
[1. 1.]
[1. 1.]]
[[1. 1.]
[1. 1.]
[1. 1.]]]
Raster can be resampled like this. (0.2,0.2) is the result's spatial resolution
>>> resampled = raster.resample((0.2,0.2))
>>> print(resampled.shape, resampled.resolution)
(6, 6, 2) (0.2, 0.2)
Raster can be resized
>>> resized = raster.resize(height=16, width=16)
>>> print(resized.shape, resized.resolution)
(16, 16, 2) (0.07500000000000018, 0.07500000000000001)
__cv2_resize_method = {
"nearest": cv2.INTER_NEAREST,
"bicubic": cv2.INTER_CUBIC,
"bilinear": cv2.INTER_LINEAR,
"area": cv2.INTER_AREA,
"lanczos": cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4,
def __init__(
array: np.ndarray,
resolution: Union[
None, Tuple[float, float], List[float], Tuple[float, ...], float
] = None,
x_min: Optional[float] = None,
y_max: Optional[float] = None,
x_max: Optional[float] = None,
y_min: Optional[float] = None,
epsg: int = 4326,
no_data: Union[float, int] = -32767.0,
transform: Optional[Affine] = None,
source: Optional[str] = None,
if transform is None:
if resolution is None and x_min is None and y_min is None:
raise ValueError(
"Please define resolution and at least x minimum and y minimum"
if resolution is not None and x_min is None and y_max is None:
raise ValueError("Please define x_min and y_max")
if isinstance(resolution, float):
self.resolution: Tuple[float, float] = (
elif isinstance(resolution, Iterable):
self.resolution = (resolution[0], resolution[1])
if (
resolution is None
and x_min is not None
and y_min is not None
and x_max is not None
and y_max is not None
self.resolution = (
(x_max - x_min) / array.shape[1],
(y_max - y_min) / array.shape[0],
self.transform: Affine = Affine.translation(x_min, y_max) * Affine.scale(
self.resolution[0], -self.resolution[1]
elif isinstance(transform, Affine):
self.transform = transform
self.resolution = (transform[0], abs(transform[4]))
raise ValueError(
"Please define affine parameter or resolution and xmin ymax"
self.epsg = epsg = CRS.from_epsg(epsg)
self.no_data = no_data
self.source = source
def __new__(cls, array: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> "Raster":
return array.view(cls)
def parse_slicer(key: Union[int, slice, None], length: int) -> int:
if key is None:
start = 0
elif isinstance(key, int):
start = key if key > 0 else length + key
elif isinstance(key, slice):
if key.start is None:
start = 0
elif key.start < 0:
start = length + slice.start
elif key.start > 0:
start = key.start
raise ValueError
raise ValueError
return start
def __getitem__(self, keys: Union[int, Tuple[Any, ...], slice]) -> np.ndarray:
if isinstance(keys, slice) or isinstance(keys, int):
row_col_min: List[int] = [
self.parse_slicer(keys, self.__array__().shape[0]),
elif len(keys) == 2:
row_col_min = [
self.parse_slicer(key, self.__array__().shape[i])
for i, key in enumerate(keys)
elif len(keys) == 3:
row_col_min = [
self.parse_slicer(key, self.__array__().shape[i])
for i, key in enumerate(keys[:2])
if row_col_min == [0, 0]:
return self.array.__get__item(keys)
sliced_array = self.array.__getitem__(keys)
x_min, y_max = self.rowcol2xy(row_col_min[0], row_col_min[1], offset="ul")
return Raster(
def from_binary(
binary_file: str,
shape: Tuple[int, ...],
resolution: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float], float],
x_min: float,
y_max: float,
epsg: int = 4326,
no_data: Union[float, int] = -32767.0,
dtype: np.dtype = np.float32,
shape_order: str = "hwc",
) -> "Raster":
"""Convert binary grid into Raster
binary_file : str
location of binary grid file
shape : tuple of int
shape of binary grid.
resolution : tuple of float, list of float or float
pixel / grid spatial resolution
x_min : float, defaults to None
left boundary of x-axis coordinate
y_max : float, defaults to None
top boundary of y-axis coordinate
epsg : int, defaults to 4326
EPSG code of reference system
no_data : int or float, default None
no data value
dtype : numpy.dtype, default numpy.float32
data type of raster
shape_order : str, default hwc
shape ordering,
* if default, height x width x channel
raster shape will be in format height x width x channel / layer
_bin_array = np.fromfile(binary_file, dtype=dtype, *args, **kwargs).reshape(
if shape_order not in ("hwc", "hw"):
c_index = shape_order.index("c")
h_index = shape_order.index("h")
w_index = shape_order.index("w")
_bin_array = np.transpose(_bin_array, (h_index, w_index, c_index))
return cls(
def from_rasterfile(cls, raster_file: str) -> "Raster":
"""Get raster from supported gdal raster file
raster_file : str
location of raser file
with as file:
_raster = reshape_as_image(
return cls(
def array(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""the numpy array of raster"""
return self.__array__()
def __transform(self) -> Tuple[float, ...]:
return tuple(self.transform)
def x_min(self) -> float:
"""minimum x-axis coordinate"""
return self.__transform[2]
def y_max(self) -> float:
"""maximum y-axis coordinate"""
return self.__transform[5]
def x_max(self) -> float:
"""maximum x-axis coordinate"""
return self.__transform[2] + (self.resolution[0] * self.cols)
def y_min(self) -> float:
"""minimum y-axis coordinate"""
return self.__transform[5] - (self.resolution[1] * self.rows)
def top(self) -> float:
"""top y-axis coordinate"""
return self.y_max
def left(self) -> float:
"""left x-axis coordinate"""
return self.x_min
def right(self) -> float:
"""right x-axis coordinate"""
return self.x_max
def bottom(self) -> float:
"""bottom y-axis coordinate"""
return self.y_min
def rows(self) -> int:
"""number of row, height"""
return int(self.array.shape[0])
def cols(self) -> int:
"""number of column, width"""
return int(self.array.shape[1])
def layers(self) -> int:
"""number of layer / channel"""
_layers: int = 1
if len(self.array.shape) > 2:
_layers = self.array.shape[2]
return _layers
def x_extent(self) -> float:
"""width of raster in the map unit (degree decimal or meters)"""
return self.x_max - self.x_min
def y_extent(self) -> float:
"""height of raster in the map unit (degree decimal or meters)"""
return self.y_max - self.y_min
def is_projected(self) -> bool:
"""check crs is projected or not"""
def is_geographic(self) -> bool:
"""check crs is geographic or not"""
def coordinate_array(self) -> np.ndarray:
x_dist, y_dist = np.meshgrid(
np.arange(self.shape[1], dtype=np.float32),
np.arange(self.shape[0], dtype=np.float32),
x_dist *= self.resolution[0]
x_dist += self.x_min
y_dist *= self.resolution[1]
y_dist += self.y_max
return np.stack([x_dist, y_dist], axis=2)
def __check_validity(self) -> None:
"""Check geometry validity
x min, y min is greater than x max, y max
x min is greater than x max
y min is greater than y max
if self.x_extent < 0 and self.y_extent < 0:
raise ValueError(
"x min should be less than x max and y min should be less than y max"
elif self.x_extent < 0 and self.y_extent > 0:
raise ValueError("x min should be less than x max")
elif self.x_extent > 0 and self.y_extent < 0:
raise ValueError("y min should be less than y max")
def xy_value(
self, x: float, y: float, offset="center"
) -> Union[float, int, np.ndarray]:
"""Obtain pixel value by geodetic or projected coordinate
x : float
x-axis coordinate
y : float
y-axis coordinate
Union[float, int, np.ndarray]
pixel value
row, col = self.xy2rowcol(x, y)
if row < 0 or col < 0:
raise IndexError
return self.array[row, col]
except IndexError:
raise IndexError(
{x},{y} is out of bound.
x_min={self.x_min} y_min={self.y_min} x_max={self.x_max} y_max={self.y_max}
def rowcol2xy(
self, row: int, col: int, offset: str = "center"
) -> Tuple[float, float]:
"""Convert image coordinate (row, col) to real world coordinate
row : int
col : int
offset : str
Tuple[float, float]
X,Y coordinate in real world
return rowcol2xy((row, col), self.transform, offset=offset)
def xy2rowcol(self, x: float, y: float) -> Tuple[int, int]:
"""Convert real world coordinate to image coordinate (row, col)
x : float
y : float
Tuple[int, int]
row, column
_row, _col = xy2rowcol((x, y), self.transform)
return int(_row), int(_col)
def __raster_calc_by_pixel__(
raster: "Raster",
operator: Callable[[Any, Any], Any],
) -> np.ndarray:
_raster = np.zeros(self.array.shape, dtype=self.array.dtype)
for row in range(self.rows):
for col in range(self.cols):
pixel_source = self.array[row, col]
pixel_target = raster.xy_value(*self.rowcol2xy(row, col))
if pixel_source != self.no_data and pixel_target != raster.no_data:
_raster[row, col] = operator(
_raster[row, col] = self.no_data
except IndexError:
_raster[row, col] = self.no_data
return _raster
def __nb_raster_calc(
self, raster_a: "Raster", raster_b: "Raster", operator: str
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Wrapper for Raster calculation per pixel using numba jit.
raster_a : Raster
first raster
raster_b : Raster
second raster
operator : str
operator name
calculated raster
if raster_b.layers != raster_a.layers:
raise ValueError(
Cant calculate between different layer shape.
first raster layer = {raster_a.layers}
second raster layer = {raster_b.layers}
_a = raster_a.array
if self.layers == 1 and len(raster_a.shape) != 3:
_a = raster_a.array.reshape(raster_a.rows, raster_a.cols, 1)
_b = raster_b.array
if self.layers == 1 and len(raster_b.shape) != 3:
_b = raster_b.array.reshape(raster_b.rows, raster_b.cols, 1)
out = __nb_raster_calc__(
if out.shape != raster_a.shape:
out = out.reshape(raster_a.shape)
return out
def __raster_calculation__(
raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray],
operator: Callable[[Any, Any], Any],
) -> "Raster":
if not isinstance(raster, (int, float, Raster, np.ndarray)):
raise ValueError(f"{type(raster)} unsupported data format")
if isinstance(raster, Raster):
if (
raster.epsg == self.epsg
and raster.resolution == self.resolution
and raster.x_min == self.x_min
and raster.y_min == self.y_min
and raster.shape == self.shape
_raster = operator(self.array, raster.array)
# _raster = self.__raster_calc_by_pixel__(raster, operator)
_raster = self.__nb_raster_calc(
elif isinstance(raster, np.ndarray):
_raster = operator(self.array, raster)
_raster = operator(self.array, raster)
return Raster(_raster, self.resolution, self.x_min, self.y_max, epsg=self.epsg)
def __sub__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster":
return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, sub)
def __add__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster":
return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, add)
def __mul__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster":
return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, mul)
def __truediv__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster":
return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, truediv)
def __floordiv__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster":
return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, floordiv)
def __pow__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster":
return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, pow)
def __iadd__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster":
return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, iadd)
def __itruediv__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster":
return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, itruediv)
def __ifloordiv__(
self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]
) -> "Raster":
return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, ifloordiv)
def __imul__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster":
return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, imul)
def __isub__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster":
return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, isub)
def __ipow__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster":
return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, ipow)
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, None]:
_iter_shape: Union[Tuple[int, int], int] = (self.rows * self.cols, self.layers)
if self.layers == 1:
_iter_shape = self.rows * self.cols
_iter = self.array.reshape(_iter_shape)
for i in range(self.rows * self.cols):
yield _iter[i]
def save(self, file_name: str, compress: bool = False) -> None:
"""Save raster as geotiff
file_name : str
output filename
def resize(
self, height: int, width: int, method: str = "bilinear", backend: str = "opencv"
) -> "Raster":
"""Resize raster into defined height and width
height: int
height defined
width: int
width defined
method: str nearest or bicubic or bilinear or area or lanczos, default bilinear
resampling method for opencv <br/>
* if nearest, a nearest-neighbor interpolation <br/>
* if bicubic, a bicubic interpolation over 4×4 pixel neighborhood <br/>
* if bilinear, a bilinear interpolation <br/>
* if area, resampling using pixel area relation. It may be a preferred method for image decimation, as it gives moire’-free results. But when the image is zoomed, it is similar to the INTER_NEAREST method. <br/>
* if lanczos, a Lanczos interpolation over 8×8 pixel neighborhood
backend: str opencv or python, default opencv
resampling backend <br/>
* if opencv, image will be resampled using opencv <br/>
* if python, image will be resampled using pure python. slower and nearest neighbor only
if backend == "opencv":
return self.__cv_resize(height, width, method)
elif backend == "python":
return self.__py_resize(height, width)
raise ValueError("Please choose between python or opencv for backend")
def resample(
resolution: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float], float],
method: str = "bilinear",
backend: str = "opencv",
) -> "Raster":
"""Resample image into defined resolution
resolution: tuple, list, float
spatial resolution target
method: str nearest or bicubic or bilinear or area or lanczos, default bilinear
resampling method for opencv <br/>
* if nearest, a nearest-neighbor interpolation <br/>
* if bicubic, a bicubic interpolation over 4×4 pixel neighborhood <br/>
* if bilinear, a bilinear interpolation <br/>
* if area, resampling using pixel area relation. It may be a preferred method for image decimation, as it gives moire’-free results. But when the image is zoomed, it is similar to the INTER_NEAREST method. <br/>
* if lanczos, a Lanczos interpolation over 8×8 pixel neighborhood
backend: str opencv or python, default opencv
resampling backend <br/>
* if opencv, image will be resampled using opencv <br/>
* if python, image will be resampled using pure python. slower and nearest neighbor only
if backend == "opencv":
if self.resolution[0] != self.resolution[1]:
"non square pixel resolution, use rasterio instead", UserWarning
return self.__cv_resample(resolution, method)
elif backend == "python":
return self.__py_resample(resolution)
raise ValueError("Please choose between python or opencv for backend")
def __cv_resize(self, height: int, width: int, method: str) -> "Raster":
resized_y_resolution = self.y_extent / height
resized_x_resolution = self.x_extent / width
resized = cv2.resize(
self.array, (width, height), interpolation=self.__cv2_resize_method[method]
return Raster(
(resized_x_resolution, resized_y_resolution),
def __cv_resample(
self, resolution: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float], float], method: str
) -> "Raster":
if isinstance(resolution, (float, int)):
resampled_x_resolution = float(resolution)
resampled_y_resolution = float(resolution)
resampled_x_resolution = resolution[0]
resampled_y_resolution = resolution[1]
resampled_rows = round(self.y_extent / resampled_y_resolution)
resampled_cols = round(self.x_extent / resampled_x_resolution)
resampled = self.__cv_resize(resampled_rows, resampled_cols, method)
return resampled
def __py_resample(
self, resolution: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float], float]
) -> "Raster":
Resample raster using nearest neighbor
resolution: tuple, list
spatial resolution target
warnings.warn("this function will be removed in v1.0", DeprecationWarning)
if isinstance(resolution, (float, int)):
resampled_x_resolution = float(resolution)
resampled_y_resolution = float(resolution)
resampled_x_resolution = resolution[0]
resampled_y_resolution = resolution[1]
resampled_rows = round(self.y_extent / resampled_y_resolution)
resampled_cols = round(self.x_extent / resampled_x_resolution)
resampled_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (resampled_rows, resampled_cols, self.layers)
if self.layers == 1:
resampled_shape = (resampled_rows, resampled_cols)
resampled_array = np.zeros(
resampled_rows * resampled_cols * self.layers, dtype=self.dtype
resampled_affine = Affine.translation(self.x_min, self.y_min) * Affine.scale(
resampled_x_resolution, -resampled_y_resolution
for row in range(resampled_rows):
for col in range(resampled_cols):
x, y = rowcol2xy((row, col), resampled_affine)
resampled_array[row, col] = self.xy_value(
x + (resampled_x_resolution / 2), y + (resampled_y_resolution / 2)
return Raster(
(resampled_x_resolution, resampled_y_resolution),
def __py_resize(self, height: int, width: int) -> "Raster":
Resize raster using nearest neighbor
height: int
raster height
width: int
raster width
warnings.warn("this function will be removed in v1.0", DeprecationWarning)
resized_y_resolution = self.y_extent / height
resized_x_resolution = self.x_extent / width
resized_affine = Affine.translation(self.x_min, self.y_min) * Affine.scale(
resized_x_resolution, -resized_y_resolution
resized_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (height, width, self.layers)
if self.layers == 1:
resized_shape = (height, width)
resized_array = np.zeros(
height * width * self.layers, dtype=self.dtype
for row in range(height):
for col in range(width):
x, y = rowcol2xy((row, col), resized_affine)
resized_array[row, col] = self.xy_value(
x + (resized_x_resolution / 2), y + (resized_y_resolution / 2)
return Raster(
(resized_x_resolution, resized_y_resolution),
def clip2bbox(
self, x_min: float, y_min: float, x_max: float, y_max: float
) -> "Raster":
"""Clipping into bounding boxes
Clipped raster
if x_min < self.x_min:
raise ValueError(
f"""Out of extent. extent is {self.x_min,self.y_min, self.x_max,self.y_max}
but input is {x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}"""
if y_min < self.y_min:
raise ValueError(
f"""Out of extent. extent is {self.x_min,self.y_min, self.x_max,self.y_max}
but input is {x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}"""
if x_max > self.x_max:
raise ValueError(
f"""Out of extent. extent is {self.x_min,self.y_min, self.x_max,self.y_max}
but input is {x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}"""
if y_max > self.y_max:
raise ValueError(
f"""Out of extent. extent is {self.x_min,self.y_min, self.x_max,self.y_max}
but input is {x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}"""
row_min, col_min = self.xy2rowcol(x_min, y_max)
row_max, col_max = self.xy2rowcol(x_max, y_min)
clipped = self.array[row_min:row_max, col_min:col_max]
return Raster(clipped, self.resolution, x_min, y_max)
def split2tiles(
self, tile_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], List[int]]
) -> Generator[Tuple[int, int, "Raster"], None, None]:
Split raster into smaller tiles, excessive will be padded and have no data value
tile_size: int, list of int, tuple of int
dimension of tiles
int, int, Raster
row, column, tiled raster
tile_width: int = 0
tile_height: int = 0
if isinstance(tile_size, int):
tile_height = tile_size
tile_width = tile_size
elif isinstance(tile_size, tuple) or isinstance(tile_size, list):
if isinstance(tile_size[0], int) or isinstance(tile_size[1], int):
tile_height, tile_width = tile_size
new_height = self.shape[0]
if self.shape[0] % tile_height != 0:
new_height += tile_height - (new_height % tile_height)
new_width = self.shape[1]
if self.shape[1] % tile_width != 0:
new_width += tile_width - (new_width % tile_width)
padded_array = np.zeros((new_height, new_height, self.layers), dtype=self.dtype)
padded_array[:] = self.no_data
padded_array[: self.shape[0], : self.shape[1]] = self.array
for r in range(0, new_height, tile_height):
for c in range(0, new_width, tile_width):
yield r, c, Raster(
padded_array[r : r + tile_height, c : c + tile_width],
*self.rowcol2xy(r, c, offset="ul"),
class Layer(Raster):
class Pixel(Raster):
def polygonize(array: numpy.ndarray, transform: affine.Affine, mask: Union[numpy.ndarray, NoneType] = None, groupby_func: Union[Callable, NoneType] = None) ‑> List[Dict[str, Any]]
Polygonize raster
- raster as numpy array
- affine trasformation parameter
, optional- filter used pixel area, by default None
, optional- dissolve by function, by default None
List[Dict[str, Any]]
- vector as geojson
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def polygonize( array: np.ndarray, transform: Affine, mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, groupby_func: Optional[Callable] = None, ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Polygonize raster Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray raster as numpy array transform : Affine affine trasformation parameter mask : Optional[np.ndarray], optional filter used pixel area, by default None groupby_func : Optional[Callable], optional dissolve by function, by default None Returns ------- List[Dict[str, Any]] vector as geojson """ feats: Generator[Dict[str, Any], None, None] = ( {"properties": {"raster_val": value}, "geometry": shape} for shape, value in features.shapes(array, mask=mask, transform=transform) ) if groupby_func is not None: union_features: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] for _, group in itertools.groupby( feats, key=lambda x: x["properties"]["raster_val"] ): properties, geom = zip( *[ (feature["properties"], shape(feature["geometry"])) for feature in group ] ) union_features.append( {"geometry": mapping(unary_union(geom)), "properties": properties[0]} ) return union_features return list(feats)
class Layer (array: numpy.ndarray, resolution: Union[NoneType, Tuple[float, float], List[float], Tuple[float, ...], float] = None, x_min: Union[float, NoneType] = None, y_max: Union[float, NoneType] = None, x_max: Union[float, NoneType] = None, y_min: Union[float, NoneType] = None, epsg: int = 4326, no_data: Union[float, int] = -32767.0, transform: Union[affine.Affine, NoneType] = None, source: Union[str, NoneType] = None)
Construct Raster from numpy array with spatial information. Support calculation between different raster
:numpy array
- array of raster
:tuple, list
, defaultNone
- spatial resolution
:float, defaults to None
- left boundary of x-axis coordinate
:float, defaults to None
- top boundary of y-axis coordinate
:float, defaults to None
- right boundary of x-axis coordinate
:float, defaults to None
- bottom boundary of y-axis coordinate
:int, defaults to 4326
- EPSG code of reference system
, defaultNone
- no data value
>>> from geosardine import Raster >>> raster = Raster(np.ones(18, dtype=np.float32).reshape(3, 3, 2), resolution=0.4, x_min=120, y_max=0.7) >>> print(raster) [[[1. 1.] [1. 1.] [1. 1.]] [[1. 1.] [1. 1.] [1. 1.]] [[1. 1.] [1. 1.] [1. 1.]]] Raster can be resampled like this. (0.2,0.2) is the result's spatial resolution >>> resampled = raster.resample((0.2,0.2)) >>> print(resampled.shape, resampled.resolution) (6, 6, 2) (0.2, 0.2) Raster can be resized >>> resized = raster.resize(height=16, width=16) >>> print(resized.shape, resized.resolution) (16, 16, 2) (0.07500000000000018, 0.07500000000000001)
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class Layer(Raster): pass
- Raster
- numpy.ndarray
Inherited members
class Pixel (array: numpy.ndarray, resolution: Union[NoneType, Tuple[float, float], List[float], Tuple[float, ...], float] = None, x_min: Union[float, NoneType] = None, y_max: Union[float, NoneType] = None, x_max: Union[float, NoneType] = None, y_min: Union[float, NoneType] = None, epsg: int = 4326, no_data: Union[float, int] = -32767.0, transform: Union[affine.Affine, NoneType] = None, source: Union[str, NoneType] = None)
Construct Raster from numpy array with spatial information. Support calculation between different raster
:numpy array
- array of raster
:tuple, list
, defaultNone
- spatial resolution
:float, defaults to None
- left boundary of x-axis coordinate
:float, defaults to None
- top boundary of y-axis coordinate
:float, defaults to None
- right boundary of x-axis coordinate
:float, defaults to None
- bottom boundary of y-axis coordinate
:int, defaults to 4326
- EPSG code of reference system
, defaultNone
- no data value
>>> from geosardine import Raster >>> raster = Raster(np.ones(18, dtype=np.float32).reshape(3, 3, 2), resolution=0.4, x_min=120, y_max=0.7) >>> print(raster) [[[1. 1.] [1. 1.] [1. 1.]] [[1. 1.] [1. 1.] [1. 1.]] [[1. 1.] [1. 1.] [1. 1.]]] Raster can be resampled like this. (0.2,0.2) is the result's spatial resolution >>> resampled = raster.resample((0.2,0.2)) >>> print(resampled.shape, resampled.resolution) (6, 6, 2) (0.2, 0.2) Raster can be resized >>> resized = raster.resize(height=16, width=16) >>> print(resized.shape, resized.resolution) (16, 16, 2) (0.07500000000000018, 0.07500000000000001)
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class Pixel(Raster): pass
- Raster
- numpy.ndarray
Inherited members
class Raster (array: numpy.ndarray, resolution: Union[NoneType, Tuple[float, float], List[float], Tuple[float, ...], float] = None, x_min: Union[float, NoneType] = None, y_max: Union[float, NoneType] = None, x_max: Union[float, NoneType] = None, y_min: Union[float, NoneType] = None, epsg: int = 4326, no_data: Union[float, int] = -32767.0, transform: Union[affine.Affine, NoneType] = None, source: Union[str, NoneType] = None)
Construct Raster from numpy array with spatial information. Support calculation between different raster
:numpy array
- array of raster
:tuple, list
, defaultNone
- spatial resolution
:float, defaults to None
- left boundary of x-axis coordinate
:float, defaults to None
- top boundary of y-axis coordinate
:float, defaults to None
- right boundary of x-axis coordinate
:float, defaults to None
- bottom boundary of y-axis coordinate
:int, defaults to 4326
- EPSG code of reference system
, defaultNone
- no data value
>>> from geosardine import Raster >>> raster = Raster(np.ones(18, dtype=np.float32).reshape(3, 3, 2), resolution=0.4, x_min=120, y_max=0.7) >>> print(raster) [[[1. 1.] [1. 1.] [1. 1.]] [[1. 1.] [1. 1.] [1. 1.]] [[1. 1.] [1. 1.] [1. 1.]]] Raster can be resampled like this. (0.2,0.2) is the result's spatial resolution >>> resampled = raster.resample((0.2,0.2)) >>> print(resampled.shape, resampled.resolution) (6, 6, 2) (0.2, 0.2) Raster can be resized >>> resized = raster.resize(height=16, width=16) >>> print(resized.shape, resized.resolution) (16, 16, 2) (0.07500000000000018, 0.07500000000000001)
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class Raster(np.ndarray): """ Construct Raster from numpy array with spatial information. Support calculation between different raster Parameters ---------- array : numpy array array of raster resolution : tuple, list, default None spatial resolution x_min : float, defaults to None left boundary of x-axis coordinate y_max : float, defaults to None top boundary of y-axis coordinate x_max : float, defaults to None right boundary of x-axis coordinate y_min : float, defaults to None bottom boundary of y-axis coordinate epsg : int, defaults to 4326 EPSG code of reference system no_data : int or float, default None no data value Examples -------- >>> from geosardine import Raster >>> raster = Raster(np.ones(18, dtype=np.float32).reshape(3, 3, 2), resolution=0.4, x_min=120, y_max=0.7) >>> print(raster) [[[1. 1.] [1. 1.] [1. 1.]] [[1. 1.] [1. 1.] [1. 1.]] [[1. 1.] [1. 1.] [1. 1.]]] Raster can be resampled like this. (0.2,0.2) is the result's spatial resolution >>> resampled = raster.resample((0.2,0.2)) >>> print(resampled.shape, resampled.resolution) (6, 6, 2) (0.2, 0.2) Raster can be resized >>> resized = raster.resize(height=16, width=16) >>> print(resized.shape, resized.resolution) (16, 16, 2) (0.07500000000000018, 0.07500000000000001) """ __cv2_resize_method = { "nearest": cv2.INTER_NEAREST, "bicubic": cv2.INTER_CUBIC, "bilinear": cv2.INTER_LINEAR, "area": cv2.INTER_AREA, "lanczos": cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4, } def __init__( self, array: np.ndarray, resolution: Union[ None, Tuple[float, float], List[float], Tuple[float, ...], float ] = None, x_min: Optional[float] = None, y_max: Optional[float] = None, x_max: Optional[float] = None, y_min: Optional[float] = None, epsg: int = 4326, no_data: Union[float, int] = -32767.0, transform: Optional[Affine] = None, source: Optional[str] = None, ): if transform is None: if resolution is None and x_min is None and y_min is None: raise ValueError( "Please define resolution and at least x minimum and y minimum" ) if resolution is not None and x_min is None and y_max is None: raise ValueError("Please define x_min and y_max") if isinstance(resolution, float): self.resolution: Tuple[float, float] = ( resolution, resolution, ) elif isinstance(resolution, Iterable): self.resolution = (resolution[0], resolution[1]) if ( resolution is None and x_min is not None and y_min is not None and x_max is not None and y_max is not None ): self.resolution = ( (x_max - x_min) / array.shape[1], (y_max - y_min) / array.shape[0], ) self.transform: Affine = Affine.translation(x_min, y_max) * Affine.scale( self.resolution[0], -self.resolution[1] ) elif isinstance(transform, Affine): self.transform = transform self.resolution = (transform[0], abs(transform[4])) else: raise ValueError( "Please define affine parameter or resolution and xmin ymax" ) self.epsg = epsg = CRS.from_epsg(epsg) self.no_data = no_data self.source = source self.__check_validity() def __new__(cls, array: np.ndarray, *args, **kwargs) -> "Raster": return array.view(cls) @staticmethod def parse_slicer(key: Union[int, slice, None], length: int) -> int: if key is None: start = 0 elif isinstance(key, int): start = key if key > 0 else length + key elif isinstance(key, slice): if key.start is None: start = 0 elif key.start < 0: start = length + slice.start elif key.start > 0: start = key.start else: raise ValueError else: raise ValueError return start def __getitem__(self, keys: Union[int, Tuple[Any, ...], slice]) -> np.ndarray: if isinstance(keys, slice) or isinstance(keys, int): row_col_min: List[int] = [ self.parse_slicer(keys, self.__array__().shape[0]), 0, ] elif len(keys) == 2: row_col_min = [ self.parse_slicer(key, self.__array__().shape[i]) for i, key in enumerate(keys) ] elif len(keys) == 3: row_col_min = [ self.parse_slicer(key, self.__array__().shape[i]) for i, key in enumerate(keys[:2]) ] if row_col_min == [0, 0]: return self.array.__get__item(keys) else: sliced_array = self.array.__getitem__(keys) x_min, y_max = self.rowcol2xy(row_col_min[0], row_col_min[1], offset="ul") return Raster( sliced_array, self.resolution, x_min, y_max, epsg=self.epsg, no_data=self.no_data, ) @classmethod def from_binary( cls, binary_file: str, shape: Tuple[int, ...], resolution: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float], float], x_min: float, y_max: float, epsg: int = 4326, no_data: Union[float, int] = -32767.0, dtype: np.dtype = np.float32, shape_order: str = "hwc", *args, **kwargs, ) -> "Raster": """Convert binary grid into Raster Parameters ------- binary_file : str location of binary grid file shape : tuple of int shape of binary grid. resolution : tuple of float, list of float or float pixel / grid spatial resolution x_min : float, defaults to None left boundary of x-axis coordinate y_max : float, defaults to None top boundary of y-axis coordinate epsg : int, defaults to 4326 EPSG code of reference system no_data : int or float, default None no data value dtype : numpy.dtype, default numpy.float32 data type of raster shape_order : str, default hwc shape ordering, * if default, height x width x channel Returns ------- Raster raster shape will be in format height x width x channel / layer """ _bin_array = np.fromfile(binary_file, dtype=dtype, *args, **kwargs).reshape( shape ) if shape_order not in ("hwc", "hw"): c_index = shape_order.index("c") h_index = shape_order.index("h") w_index = shape_order.index("w") _bin_array = np.transpose(_bin_array, (h_index, w_index, c_index)) return cls( _bin_array, resolution, x_min, y_max, epsg=epsg, no_data=no_data, source=binary_file, ) @classmethod def from_rasterfile(cls, raster_file: str) -> "Raster": """Get raster from supported gdal raster file Parameters ------- raster_file : str location of raser file Returns ------- Raster """ with as file: _raster = reshape_as_image( return cls( _raster, transform=file.transform,, no_data=file.nodatavals[0], source=raster_file, ) @property def array(self) -> np.ndarray: """the numpy array of raster""" return self.__array__() @property def __transform(self) -> Tuple[float, ...]: return tuple(self.transform) @property def x_min(self) -> float: """minimum x-axis coordinate""" return self.__transform[2] @property def y_max(self) -> float: """maximum y-axis coordinate""" return self.__transform[5] @property def x_max(self) -> float: """maximum x-axis coordinate""" return self.__transform[2] + (self.resolution[0] * self.cols) @property def y_min(self) -> float: """minimum y-axis coordinate""" return self.__transform[5] - (self.resolution[1] * self.rows) @property def top(self) -> float: """top y-axis coordinate""" return self.y_max @property def left(self) -> float: """left x-axis coordinate""" return self.x_min @property def right(self) -> float: """right x-axis coordinate""" return self.x_max @property def bottom(self) -> float: """bottom y-axis coordinate""" return self.y_min @property def rows(self) -> int: """number of row, height""" return int(self.array.shape[0]) @property def cols(self) -> int: """number of column, width""" return int(self.array.shape[1]) @property def layers(self) -> int: """number of layer / channel""" _layers: int = 1 if len(self.array.shape) > 2: _layers = self.array.shape[2] return _layers @property def x_extent(self) -> float: """width of raster in the map unit (degree decimal or meters)""" return self.x_max - self.x_min @property def y_extent(self) -> float: """height of raster in the map unit (degree decimal or meters)""" return self.y_max - self.y_min @property def is_projected(self) -> bool: """check crs is projected or not""" return @property def is_geographic(self) -> bool: """check crs is geographic or not""" return @property def coordinate_array(self) -> np.ndarray: x_dist, y_dist = np.meshgrid( np.arange(self.shape[1], dtype=np.float32), np.arange(self.shape[0], dtype=np.float32), ) x_dist *= self.resolution[0] x_dist += self.x_min y_dist *= self.resolution[1] y_dist += self.y_max return np.stack([x_dist, y_dist], axis=2) def __check_validity(self) -> None: """Check geometry validity Raises ------ ValueError x min, y min is greater than x max, y max ValueError x min is greater than x max ValueError y min is greater than y max """ if self.x_extent < 0 and self.y_extent < 0: raise ValueError( "x min should be less than x max and y min should be less than y max" ) elif self.x_extent < 0 and self.y_extent > 0: raise ValueError("x min should be less than x max") elif self.x_extent > 0 and self.y_extent < 0: raise ValueError("y min should be less than y max") def xy_value( self, x: float, y: float, offset="center" ) -> Union[float, int, np.ndarray]: """Obtain pixel value by geodetic or projected coordinate Parameters ---------- x : float x-axis coordinate y : float y-axis coordinate Returns ------- Union[float, int, np.ndarray] pixel value """ try: row, col = self.xy2rowcol(x, y) if row < 0 or col < 0: raise IndexError return self.array[row, col] except IndexError: raise IndexError( f""" {x},{y} is out of bound. x_min={self.x_min} y_min={self.y_min} x_max={self.x_max} y_max={self.y_max} """ ) def rowcol2xy( self, row: int, col: int, offset: str = "center" ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Convert image coordinate (row, col) to real world coordinate Parameters ---------- row : int col : int offset : str Returns ------- Tuple[float, float] X,Y coordinate in real world """ return rowcol2xy((row, col), self.transform, offset=offset) def xy2rowcol(self, x: float, y: float) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Convert real world coordinate to image coordinate (row, col) Parameters ---------- x : float y : float Returns ------- Tuple[int, int] row, column """ _row, _col = xy2rowcol((x, y), self.transform) return int(_row), int(_col) def __raster_calc_by_pixel__( self, raster: "Raster", operator: Callable[[Any, Any], Any], ) -> np.ndarray: _raster = np.zeros(self.array.shape, dtype=self.array.dtype) for row in range(self.rows): for col in range(self.cols): try: pixel_source = self.array[row, col] pixel_target = raster.xy_value(*self.rowcol2xy(row, col)) if pixel_source != self.no_data and pixel_target != raster.no_data: _raster[row, col] = operator( pixel_source, pixel_target, ) else: _raster[row, col] = self.no_data except IndexError: _raster[row, col] = self.no_data return _raster def __nb_raster_calc( self, raster_a: "Raster", raster_b: "Raster", operator: str ) -> np.ndarray: """Wrapper for Raster calculation per pixel using numba jit. Parameters ---------- raster_a : Raster first raster raster_b : Raster second raster operator : str operator name Returns ------- np.ndarray calculated raster """ if raster_b.layers != raster_a.layers: raise ValueError( f""" Cant calculate between different layer shape. first raster layer = {raster_a.layers} second raster layer = {raster_b.layers} """ ) _a = raster_a.array if self.layers == 1 and len(raster_a.shape) != 3: _a = raster_a.array.reshape(raster_a.rows, raster_a.cols, 1) _b = raster_b.array if self.layers == 1 and len(raster_b.shape) != 3: _b = raster_b.array.reshape(raster_b.rows, raster_b.cols, 1) out = __nb_raster_calc__( _a, _b, tuple(raster_a.transform), tuple(~raster_b.transform), raster_a.no_data, raster_b.no_data, nb_raster_ops[operator], ) if out.shape != raster_a.shape: out = out.reshape(raster_a.shape) return out def __raster_calculation__( self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray], operator: Callable[[Any, Any], Any], ) -> "Raster": if not isinstance(raster, (int, float, Raster, np.ndarray)): raise ValueError(f"{type(raster)} unsupported data format") if isinstance(raster, Raster): if ( raster.epsg == self.epsg and raster.resolution == self.resolution and raster.x_min == self.x_min and raster.y_min == self.y_min and raster.shape == self.shape ): _raster = operator(self.array, raster.array) else: # _raster = self.__raster_calc_by_pixel__(raster, operator) _raster = self.__nb_raster_calc( self, raster, operator.__name__, ) elif isinstance(raster, np.ndarray): _raster = operator(self.array, raster) else: _raster = operator(self.array, raster) return Raster(_raster, self.resolution, self.x_min, self.y_max, epsg=self.epsg) def __sub__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster": return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, sub) def __add__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster": return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, add) def __mul__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster": return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, mul) def __truediv__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster": return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, truediv) def __floordiv__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster": return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, floordiv) def __pow__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster": return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, pow) def __iadd__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster": return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, iadd) def __itruediv__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster": return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, itruediv) def __ifloordiv__( self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray] ) -> "Raster": return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, ifloordiv) def __imul__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster": return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, imul) def __isub__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster": return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, isub) def __ipow__(self, raster: Union[int, float, "Raster", np.ndarray]) -> "Raster": return self.__raster_calculation__(raster, ipow) def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: _iter_shape: Union[Tuple[int, int], int] = (self.rows * self.cols, self.layers) if self.layers == 1: _iter_shape = self.rows * self.cols _iter = self.array.reshape(_iter_shape) for i in range(self.rows * self.cols): yield _iter[i] def save(self, file_name: str, compress: bool = False) -> None: """Save raster as geotiff Parameters ---------- file_name : str output filename """ save_raster( file_name, self.array,, affine=self.transform, nodata=self.no_data, compress=compress, ) def resize( self, height: int, width: int, method: str = "bilinear", backend: str = "opencv" ) -> "Raster": """Resize raster into defined height and width Parameters ------- height: int height defined width: int width defined method: str nearest or bicubic or bilinear or area or lanczos, default bilinear resampling method for opencv <br/> * if nearest, a nearest-neighbor interpolation <br/> * if bicubic, a bicubic interpolation over 4×4 pixel neighborhood <br/> * if bilinear, a bilinear interpolation <br/> * if area, resampling using pixel area relation. It may be a preferred method for image decimation, as it gives moire’-free results. But when the image is zoomed, it is similar to the INTER_NEAREST method. <br/> * if lanczos, a Lanczos interpolation over 8×8 pixel neighborhood backend: str opencv or python, default opencv resampling backend <br/> * if opencv, image will be resampled using opencv <br/> * if python, image will be resampled using pure python. slower and nearest neighbor only Returns ------- Raster Resized """ if backend == "opencv": return self.__cv_resize(height, width, method) elif backend == "python": return self.__py_resize(height, width) else: raise ValueError("Please choose between python or opencv for backend") def resample( self, resolution: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float], float], method: str = "bilinear", backend: str = "opencv", ) -> "Raster": """Resample image into defined resolution Parameters ------- resolution: tuple, list, float spatial resolution target method: str nearest or bicubic or bilinear or area or lanczos, default bilinear resampling method for opencv <br/> * if nearest, a nearest-neighbor interpolation <br/> * if bicubic, a bicubic interpolation over 4×4 pixel neighborhood <br/> * if bilinear, a bilinear interpolation <br/> * if area, resampling using pixel area relation. It may be a preferred method for image decimation, as it gives moire’-free results. But when the image is zoomed, it is similar to the INTER_NEAREST method. <br/> * if lanczos, a Lanczos interpolation over 8×8 pixel neighborhood backend: str opencv or python, default opencv resampling backend <br/> * if opencv, image will be resampled using opencv <br/> * if python, image will be resampled using pure python. slower and nearest neighbor only Returns ------- Raster Resampled """ if backend == "opencv": if self.resolution[0] != self.resolution[1]: warnings.warn( "non square pixel resolution, use rasterio instead", UserWarning ) return self.__cv_resample(resolution, method) elif backend == "python": return self.__py_resample(resolution) else: raise ValueError("Please choose between python or opencv for backend") def __cv_resize(self, height: int, width: int, method: str) -> "Raster": resized_y_resolution = self.y_extent / height resized_x_resolution = self.x_extent / width resized = cv2.resize( self.array, (width, height), interpolation=self.__cv2_resize_method[method] ) return Raster( resized, (resized_x_resolution, resized_y_resolution), self.x_min, self.y_max, epsg=self.epsg, ) def __cv_resample( self, resolution: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float], float], method: str ) -> "Raster": if isinstance(resolution, (float, int)): resampled_x_resolution = float(resolution) resampled_y_resolution = float(resolution) else: resampled_x_resolution = resolution[0] resampled_y_resolution = resolution[1] resampled_rows = round(self.y_extent / resampled_y_resolution) resampled_cols = round(self.x_extent / resampled_x_resolution) resampled = self.__cv_resize(resampled_rows, resampled_cols, method) return resampled def __py_resample( self, resolution: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float], float] ) -> "Raster": """ Resample raster using nearest neighbor Parameters ------- resolution: tuple, list spatial resolution target Returns ------- Raster Resampled """ warnings.warn("this function will be removed in v1.0", DeprecationWarning) if isinstance(resolution, (float, int)): resampled_x_resolution = float(resolution) resampled_y_resolution = float(resolution) else: resampled_x_resolution = resolution[0] resampled_y_resolution = resolution[1] resampled_rows = round(self.y_extent / resampled_y_resolution) resampled_cols = round(self.x_extent / resampled_x_resolution) resampled_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (resampled_rows, resampled_cols, self.layers) if self.layers == 1: resampled_shape = (resampled_rows, resampled_cols) resampled_array = np.zeros( resampled_rows * resampled_cols * self.layers, dtype=self.dtype ).reshape(resampled_shape) resampled_affine = Affine.translation(self.x_min, self.y_min) * Affine.scale( resampled_x_resolution, -resampled_y_resolution ) for row in range(resampled_rows): for col in range(resampled_cols): x, y = rowcol2xy((row, col), resampled_affine) resampled_array[row, col] = self.xy_value( x + (resampled_x_resolution / 2), y + (resampled_y_resolution / 2) ) return Raster( resampled_array, (resampled_x_resolution, resampled_y_resolution), self.x_min, self.y_max, epsg=self.epsg, ) def __py_resize(self, height: int, width: int) -> "Raster": """ Resize raster using nearest neighbor Parameters ------- height: int raster height width: int raster width Returns ------- Raster Resampled """ warnings.warn("this function will be removed in v1.0", DeprecationWarning) resized_y_resolution = self.y_extent / height resized_x_resolution = self.x_extent / width resized_affine = Affine.translation(self.x_min, self.y_min) * Affine.scale( resized_x_resolution, -resized_y_resolution ) resized_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (height, width, self.layers) if self.layers == 1: resized_shape = (height, width) resized_array = np.zeros( height * width * self.layers, dtype=self.dtype ).reshape(resized_shape) for row in range(height): for col in range(width): x, y = rowcol2xy((row, col), resized_affine) resized_array[row, col] = self.xy_value( x + (resized_x_resolution / 2), y + (resized_y_resolution / 2) ) return Raster( resized_array, (resized_x_resolution, resized_y_resolution), self.x_min, self.y_max, epsg=self.epsg, ) def clip2bbox( self, x_min: float, y_min: float, x_max: float, y_max: float ) -> "Raster": """Clipping into bounding boxes Returns ------- Raster Clipped raster """ if x_min < self.x_min: raise ValueError( f"""Out of extent. extent is {self.x_min,self.y_min, self.x_max,self.y_max} but input is {x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}""" ) if y_min < self.y_min: raise ValueError( f"""Out of extent. extent is {self.x_min,self.y_min, self.x_max,self.y_max} but input is {x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}""" ) if x_max > self.x_max: raise ValueError( f"""Out of extent. extent is {self.x_min,self.y_min, self.x_max,self.y_max} but input is {x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}""" ) if y_max > self.y_max: raise ValueError( f"""Out of extent. extent is {self.x_min,self.y_min, self.x_max,self.y_max} but input is {x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}""" ) row_min, col_min = self.xy2rowcol(x_min, y_max) row_max, col_max = self.xy2rowcol(x_max, y_min) clipped = self.array[row_min:row_max, col_min:col_max] return Raster(clipped, self.resolution, x_min, y_max) def split2tiles( self, tile_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], List[int]] ) -> Generator[Tuple[int, int, "Raster"], None, None]: """ Split raster into smaller tiles, excessive will be padded and have no data value Parameters ------- tile_size: int, list of int, tuple of int dimension of tiles Yields ------- int, int, Raster row, column, tiled raster """ tile_width: int = 0 tile_height: int = 0 if isinstance(tile_size, int): tile_height = tile_size tile_width = tile_size elif isinstance(tile_size, tuple) or isinstance(tile_size, list): if isinstance(tile_size[0], int) or isinstance(tile_size[1], int): tile_height, tile_width = tile_size new_height = self.shape[0] if self.shape[0] % tile_height != 0: new_height += tile_height - (new_height % tile_height) new_width = self.shape[1] if self.shape[1] % tile_width != 0: new_width += tile_width - (new_width % tile_width) padded_array = np.zeros((new_height, new_height, self.layers), dtype=self.dtype) padded_array[:] = self.no_data padded_array[: self.shape[0], : self.shape[1]] = self.array for r in range(0, new_height, tile_height): for c in range(0, new_width, tile_width): yield r, c, Raster( padded_array[r : r + tile_height, c : c + tile_width], self.resolution, *self.rowcol2xy(r, c, offset="ul"), epsg=self.epsg, no_data=self.no_data, )
- numpy.ndarray
Static methods
def from_binary(binary_file: str, shape: Tuple[int, ...], resolution: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float], float], x_min: float, y_max: float, epsg: int = 4326, no_data: Union[float, int] = -32767.0, dtype: numpy.dtype = numpy.float32, shape_order: str = 'hwc', *args, **kwargs) ‑> Raster
Convert binary grid into Raster
- location of binary grid file
- shape of binary grid.
offloat, list
- pixel / grid spatial resolution
:float, defaults to None
- left boundary of x-axis coordinate
:float, defaults to None
- top boundary of y-axis coordinate
:int, defaults to 4326
- EPSG code of reference system
, defaultNone
- no data value
, defaultnumpy.float32
- data type of raster
, defaulthwc
- shape ordering, * if default, height x width x channel
- raster shape will be in format height x width x channel / layer
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@classmethod def from_binary( cls, binary_file: str, shape: Tuple[int, ...], resolution: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float], float], x_min: float, y_max: float, epsg: int = 4326, no_data: Union[float, int] = -32767.0, dtype: np.dtype = np.float32, shape_order: str = "hwc", *args, **kwargs, ) -> "Raster": """Convert binary grid into Raster Parameters ------- binary_file : str location of binary grid file shape : tuple of int shape of binary grid. resolution : tuple of float, list of float or float pixel / grid spatial resolution x_min : float, defaults to None left boundary of x-axis coordinate y_max : float, defaults to None top boundary of y-axis coordinate epsg : int, defaults to 4326 EPSG code of reference system no_data : int or float, default None no data value dtype : numpy.dtype, default numpy.float32 data type of raster shape_order : str, default hwc shape ordering, * if default, height x width x channel Returns ------- Raster raster shape will be in format height x width x channel / layer """ _bin_array = np.fromfile(binary_file, dtype=dtype, *args, **kwargs).reshape( shape ) if shape_order not in ("hwc", "hw"): c_index = shape_order.index("c") h_index = shape_order.index("h") w_index = shape_order.index("w") _bin_array = np.transpose(_bin_array, (h_index, w_index, c_index)) return cls( _bin_array, resolution, x_min, y_max, epsg=epsg, no_data=no_data, source=binary_file, )
def from_rasterfile(raster_file: str) ‑> Raster
Get raster from supported gdal raster file
- location of raser file
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@classmethod def from_rasterfile(cls, raster_file: str) -> "Raster": """Get raster from supported gdal raster file Parameters ------- raster_file : str location of raser file Returns ------- Raster """ with as file: _raster = reshape_as_image( return cls( _raster, transform=file.transform,, no_data=file.nodatavals[0], source=raster_file, )
def parse_slicer(key: Union[int, slice, NoneType], length: int) ‑> int
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@staticmethod def parse_slicer(key: Union[int, slice, None], length: int) -> int: if key is None: start = 0 elif isinstance(key, int): start = key if key > 0 else length + key elif isinstance(key, slice): if key.start is None: start = 0 elif key.start < 0: start = length + slice.start elif key.start > 0: start = key.start else: raise ValueError else: raise ValueError return start
Instance variables
var array : numpy.ndarray
the numpy array of raster
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@property def array(self) -> np.ndarray: """the numpy array of raster""" return self.__array__()
var bottom : float
bottom y-axis coordinate
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@property def bottom(self) -> float: """bottom y-axis coordinate""" return self.y_min
var cols : int
number of column, width
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@property def cols(self) -> int: """number of column, width""" return int(self.array.shape[1])
var coordinate_array : numpy.ndarray
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@property def coordinate_array(self) -> np.ndarray: x_dist, y_dist = np.meshgrid( np.arange(self.shape[1], dtype=np.float32), np.arange(self.shape[0], dtype=np.float32), ) x_dist *= self.resolution[0] x_dist += self.x_min y_dist *= self.resolution[1] y_dist += self.y_max return np.stack([x_dist, y_dist], axis=2)
var is_geographic : bool
check crs is geographic or not
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@property def is_geographic(self) -> bool: """check crs is geographic or not""" return
var is_projected : bool
check crs is projected or not
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@property def is_projected(self) -> bool: """check crs is projected or not""" return
var layers : int
number of layer / channel
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@property def layers(self) -> int: """number of layer / channel""" _layers: int = 1 if len(self.array.shape) > 2: _layers = self.array.shape[2] return _layers
var left : float
left x-axis coordinate
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@property def left(self) -> float: """left x-axis coordinate""" return self.x_min
var right : float
right x-axis coordinate
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@property def right(self) -> float: """right x-axis coordinate""" return self.x_max
var rows : int
number of row, height
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@property def rows(self) -> int: """number of row, height""" return int(self.array.shape[0])
var top : float
top y-axis coordinate
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@property def top(self) -> float: """top y-axis coordinate""" return self.y_max
var x_extent : float
width of raster in the map unit (degree decimal or meters)
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@property def x_extent(self) -> float: """width of raster in the map unit (degree decimal or meters)""" return self.x_max - self.x_min
var x_max : float
maximum x-axis coordinate
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@property def x_max(self) -> float: """maximum x-axis coordinate""" return self.__transform[2] + (self.resolution[0] * self.cols)
var x_min : float
minimum x-axis coordinate
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@property def x_min(self) -> float: """minimum x-axis coordinate""" return self.__transform[2]
var y_extent : float
height of raster in the map unit (degree decimal or meters)
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@property def y_extent(self) -> float: """height of raster in the map unit (degree decimal or meters)""" return self.y_max - self.y_min
var y_max : float
maximum y-axis coordinate
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@property def y_max(self) -> float: """maximum y-axis coordinate""" return self.__transform[5]
var y_min : float
minimum y-axis coordinate
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@property def y_min(self) -> float: """minimum y-axis coordinate""" return self.__transform[5] - (self.resolution[1] * self.rows)
def clip2bbox(self, x_min: float, y_min: float, x_max: float, y_max: float) ‑> Raster
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def clip2bbox( self, x_min: float, y_min: float, x_max: float, y_max: float ) -> "Raster": """Clipping into bounding boxes Returns ------- Raster Clipped raster """ if x_min < self.x_min: raise ValueError( f"""Out of extent. extent is {self.x_min,self.y_min, self.x_max,self.y_max} but input is {x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}""" ) if y_min < self.y_min: raise ValueError( f"""Out of extent. extent is {self.x_min,self.y_min, self.x_max,self.y_max} but input is {x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}""" ) if x_max > self.x_max: raise ValueError( f"""Out of extent. extent is {self.x_min,self.y_min, self.x_max,self.y_max} but input is {x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}""" ) if y_max > self.y_max: raise ValueError( f"""Out of extent. extent is {self.x_min,self.y_min, self.x_max,self.y_max} but input is {x_min},{y_min},{x_max},{y_max}""" ) row_min, col_min = self.xy2rowcol(x_min, y_max) row_max, col_max = self.xy2rowcol(x_max, y_min) clipped = self.array[row_min:row_max, col_min:col_max] return Raster(clipped, self.resolution, x_min, y_max)
def resample(self, resolution: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float], float], method: str = 'bilinear', backend: str = 'opencv') ‑> Raster
Resample image into defined resolution
:tuple, list, float
- spatial resolution target
:str nearest
, defaultbilinear
- resampling method for opencv
* if nearest, a nearest-neighbor interpolation
* if bicubic, a bicubic interpolation over 4×4 pixel neighborhood
* if bilinear, a bilinear interpolation
* if area, resampling using pixel area relation. It may be a preferred method for image decimation, as it gives moire’-free results. But when the image is zoomed, it is similar to the INTER_NEAREST method.
* if lanczos, a Lanczos interpolation over 8×8 pixel neighborhood backend
:str opencv
, defaultopencv
- resampling backend
* if opencv, image will be resampled using opencv
* if python, image will be resampled using pure python. slower and nearest neighbor only
- Resampled
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def resample( self, resolution: Union[Tuple[float, float], List[float], float], method: str = "bilinear", backend: str = "opencv", ) -> "Raster": """Resample image into defined resolution Parameters ------- resolution: tuple, list, float spatial resolution target method: str nearest or bicubic or bilinear or area or lanczos, default bilinear resampling method for opencv <br/> * if nearest, a nearest-neighbor interpolation <br/> * if bicubic, a bicubic interpolation over 4×4 pixel neighborhood <br/> * if bilinear, a bilinear interpolation <br/> * if area, resampling using pixel area relation. It may be a preferred method for image decimation, as it gives moire’-free results. But when the image is zoomed, it is similar to the INTER_NEAREST method. <br/> * if lanczos, a Lanczos interpolation over 8×8 pixel neighborhood backend: str opencv or python, default opencv resampling backend <br/> * if opencv, image will be resampled using opencv <br/> * if python, image will be resampled using pure python. slower and nearest neighbor only Returns ------- Raster Resampled """ if backend == "opencv": if self.resolution[0] != self.resolution[1]: warnings.warn( "non square pixel resolution, use rasterio instead", UserWarning ) return self.__cv_resample(resolution, method) elif backend == "python": return self.__py_resample(resolution) else: raise ValueError("Please choose between python or opencv for backend")
def resize(self, height: int, width: int, method: str = 'bilinear', backend: str = 'opencv') ‑> Raster
Resize raster into defined height and width
- height defined
- width defined
:str nearest
, defaultbilinear
- resampling method for opencv
* if nearest, a nearest-neighbor interpolation
* if bicubic, a bicubic interpolation over 4×4 pixel neighborhood
* if bilinear, a bilinear interpolation
* if area, resampling using pixel area relation. It may be a preferred method for image decimation, as it gives moire’-free results. But when the image is zoomed, it is similar to the INTER_NEAREST method.
* if lanczos, a Lanczos interpolation over 8×8 pixel neighborhood backend
:str opencv
, defaultopencv
- resampling backend
* if opencv, image will be resampled using opencv
* if python, image will be resampled using pure python. slower and nearest neighbor only
- Resized
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def resize( self, height: int, width: int, method: str = "bilinear", backend: str = "opencv" ) -> "Raster": """Resize raster into defined height and width Parameters ------- height: int height defined width: int width defined method: str nearest or bicubic or bilinear or area or lanczos, default bilinear resampling method for opencv <br/> * if nearest, a nearest-neighbor interpolation <br/> * if bicubic, a bicubic interpolation over 4×4 pixel neighborhood <br/> * if bilinear, a bilinear interpolation <br/> * if area, resampling using pixel area relation. It may be a preferred method for image decimation, as it gives moire’-free results. But when the image is zoomed, it is similar to the INTER_NEAREST method. <br/> * if lanczos, a Lanczos interpolation over 8×8 pixel neighborhood backend: str opencv or python, default opencv resampling backend <br/> * if opencv, image will be resampled using opencv <br/> * if python, image will be resampled using pure python. slower and nearest neighbor only Returns ------- Raster Resized """ if backend == "opencv": return self.__cv_resize(height, width, method) elif backend == "python": return self.__py_resize(height, width) else: raise ValueError("Please choose between python or opencv for backend")
def rowcol2xy(self, row: int, col: int, offset: str = 'center') ‑> Tuple[float, float]
Convert image coordinate (row, col) to real world coordinate
Tuple[float, float]
- X,Y coordinate in real world
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def rowcol2xy( self, row: int, col: int, offset: str = "center" ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Convert image coordinate (row, col) to real world coordinate Parameters ---------- row : int col : int offset : str Returns ------- Tuple[float, float] X,Y coordinate in real world """ return rowcol2xy((row, col), self.transform, offset=offset)
def save(self, file_name: str, compress: bool = False) ‑> NoneType
Save raster as geotiff
- output filename
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def save(self, file_name: str, compress: bool = False) -> None: """Save raster as geotiff Parameters ---------- file_name : str output filename """ save_raster( file_name, self.array,, affine=self.transform, nodata=self.no_data, compress=compress, )
def split2tiles(self, tile_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], List[int]]) ‑> Generator[Tuple[int, int, Raster], NoneType, NoneType]
Split raster into smaller tiles, excessive will be padded and have no data value
:int, list
ofint, tuple
- dimension of tiles
int, int, Raster
- row, column, tiled raster
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def split2tiles( self, tile_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int], List[int]] ) -> Generator[Tuple[int, int, "Raster"], None, None]: """ Split raster into smaller tiles, excessive will be padded and have no data value Parameters ------- tile_size: int, list of int, tuple of int dimension of tiles Yields ------- int, int, Raster row, column, tiled raster """ tile_width: int = 0 tile_height: int = 0 if isinstance(tile_size, int): tile_height = tile_size tile_width = tile_size elif isinstance(tile_size, tuple) or isinstance(tile_size, list): if isinstance(tile_size[0], int) or isinstance(tile_size[1], int): tile_height, tile_width = tile_size new_height = self.shape[0] if self.shape[0] % tile_height != 0: new_height += tile_height - (new_height % tile_height) new_width = self.shape[1] if self.shape[1] % tile_width != 0: new_width += tile_width - (new_width % tile_width) padded_array = np.zeros((new_height, new_height, self.layers), dtype=self.dtype) padded_array[:] = self.no_data padded_array[: self.shape[0], : self.shape[1]] = self.array for r in range(0, new_height, tile_height): for c in range(0, new_width, tile_width): yield r, c, Raster( padded_array[r : r + tile_height, c : c + tile_width], self.resolution, *self.rowcol2xy(r, c, offset="ul"), epsg=self.epsg, no_data=self.no_data, )
def xy2rowcol(self, x: float, y: float) ‑> Tuple[int, int]
Convert real world coordinate to image coordinate (row, col)
Tuple[int, int]
- row, column
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def xy2rowcol(self, x: float, y: float) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Convert real world coordinate to image coordinate (row, col) Parameters ---------- x : float y : float Returns ------- Tuple[int, int] row, column """ _row, _col = xy2rowcol((x, y), self.transform) return int(_row), int(_col)
def xy_value(self, x: float, y: float, offset='center') ‑> Union[float, int, numpy.ndarray]
Obtain pixel value by geodetic or projected coordinate
- x-axis coordinate
- y-axis coordinate
Union[float, int, np.ndarray]
- pixel value
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def xy_value( self, x: float, y: float, offset="center" ) -> Union[float, int, np.ndarray]: """Obtain pixel value by geodetic or projected coordinate Parameters ---------- x : float x-axis coordinate y : float y-axis coordinate Returns ------- Union[float, int, np.ndarray] pixel value """ try: row, col = self.xy2rowcol(x, y) if row < 0 or col < 0: raise IndexError return self.array[row, col] except IndexError: raise IndexError( f""" {x},{y} is out of bound. x_min={self.x_min} y_min={self.y_min} x_max={self.x_max} y_max={self.y_max} """ )